“A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2015.”
Lillia: This week you were really excited about April Fool’s Day. On Monday afternoon, you and your friend spent a long time thinking up ways to prank your classmates (all of your ideas were good-natured fun, not cruel tricks). My favorite one was the “quarter nose trick” in which you color the edge of a quarter ahead of time with a pencil, and then ask your unsuspecting victim to roll the quarter down his or her nose, thus making a graphite line on their nose. I hear you fooled many people with that one! You’ve always had a goofy side — you really take after my mother in that way 🙂
Zane: This week you’re sick again, but I am just so completely done with writing about illnesses. So, I’m going to share some conversations that we had this week instead. Three year-olds are the perfect mixture of burgeoning intelligence and sweet naivete.
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Conversation #1:
playing with a Duplo garbage truck
Zane: I’m doomed!
Me: Doomed?
Zane: Yes, that’s another way to say you’re full of trash.
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Conversation #2:
listening to birds singing
Me: They are all trying to find mates.
Zane: I’m a bird mate!
Me: You’re a bird mate?
Zane: Yes, I LOVE birds!