
Wow – sixteen! I am filled with wonder and pride when I think about the person that you have become, Lillia. From that tiny baby that was placed in my arms sixteen years ago to the talented, kind-hearted, creative, and hilarious person you’ve become . . . it’s been a wild ride but one I feel blessed to be on with you. I appreciate so much that you live your life as you define it, despite the challenges that presents. We see the world very differently – that has become abundantly clear the older you get. I don’t always understand your perspective, but if you are patient with me, maybe someday I will. Now that you are sixteen you can get your driver’s license, which will give you something you’ve never had before: FREEDOM. As you spend the next couple of years preparing to make your own way in the world, I will do everything I can to support you. Lillia, you are so loved. Happy Birthday!

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