
No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.
—Hal Borland

Spring 1
Spring 10
Spring 2
Spring 3
Spring 4
Spring 5
Spring 11
Spring 6
Spring 7
Last day of school 2017
Spring 9

Lillia: What a difference a few months can make in the life of a young person. In my last update, I disclosed that you had been feeling really down. Without going into too much detail, I’m happy to report that our efforts to help lift your depression seem to be working (you can see the change in these pictures!). As the school year came to a close, you seemed much more “yourself,” which is a huge relief. You even managed to pull off straight A’s for the third trimester, though it must be noted that you weren’t running the last leg alone—it would be fair to say that you limped across the finish line with nagging parents and generous teachers in tow. And, that just goes to show how difficult it is to get straight A’s all year—it is a huge accomplishment, and you should be very proud of yourself! Of course, you should know we are always proud of you, no matter what, as long as you try your best.

Zane: My goodness, you have grown—both physically and in other ways—these last few weeks of the school year. Your face, your demeanor, everything has changed. And, these changes all point to a boy who will soon be turning six. Some say that the “six year change” is like a first puberty, and I can definitely see how an astute observer might make that connection. As an almost-six-year-old, you have a sharper tongue, and you are quick to point out my faults. In some ways it is painful to see my “baby” vanishing before my eyes (I barely survived the kindergarten graduation ceremony), but I am also so excited for you as you enter this new phase of your life. I’m looking forward to being able to spend more time with you now that school is over and summer vacation is here! I’ve missed you this year . . .

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