
Lillia 9 of 52 (2017)
Zane 9 of 52 (2017)
Lillia 10 of 52 (2017)
Zane 10 of 52 (2017)

Lillia: This month you have been very sad. In fact, you have been sad for a long time. I think these pictures tell the story better than I ever could with my words. Being thirteen is terrible—it is for everyone. Knowing that doesn’t make it any easier to watch you go through this season of your life. The inner turmoil you feel is palpable, and there is nothing I want more than to find some way to relieve your pain. But, I can’t. It might seem like I don’t care how you feel, but I do—sometimes my only option is to be the parachute creating resistance as you fall. In the turbulence of the descent, I hope you can hear me telling you over and over again how wonderful and deeply loved you are.

Zane: This month you have really been enjoying Lego Club on Thursdays after school. You’ve been collaborating with other kids to make all kinds of interesting structures, including some sort of marble maze. You also had a terrible tummy bug this month, which went on for so long that I actually thought there was something seriously wrong with you. Of course, as soon as I made an appointment for you to see the doctor you perked right up. It’s nice to have you back to your normal self, but I guess I needed to be reminded that I should never take your health for granted.


  1. April 1, 2017 / 1:01 am

    So sorry to know you are sad sweetie. Praying for you. I remember when I was 13. Lilla, It may seem like forever when you feel sad, but there are awesome, wondrous and exciting times ahead. Go with the flow and keep the Lord front and center of it all. My love and hugs for you, dear cousin! .

  2. April 1, 2017 / 2:11 am

    Nice to read another entry from you Kelli but sad about the subject matter (except the legos!) She will get through this, and so will you!

  3. April 1, 2017 / 4:39 am

    Thanks, everyone, for your words of encouragement. I will definitely pass them on to our Lil. We all made it through somehow, right? I know she will, too.

  4. April 1, 2017 / 7:03 pm

    13 is a very hard age. Still a child, yet considered a teen. Such a confusing time for any girl. She’s a beautiful, intelligent young woman and she’ll make it through just fine with all of your encouragement.

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