36 // 52

36 // 52 // Lillia
36 // 52 // Zane

“A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2015.”

Lillia: This week your school had an Open House for parents, and you had the opportunity to be the guide for all of the sixth grade parents. You got to bring everyone around the school as they followed your class’s daily schedule in ten-minute sessions. I’m so proud of the big effort you’re putting in to your academic life this year. All of these little activities that you do help you to become a stronger, more self-assured person with skills that you will be able to carry with you for life.

Zane: This week you had a bit of a kerfuffle with another little boy. I think a little bit of the stress of being at school five days a week is finally catching up with you. But, it gave us a chance to talk about how to deal with other kids, especially when they’re not being kind. Of course, asking for a teacher’s help is always a good idea, but I also tried to encourage you to walk away from conflict if you can. Sometimes there won’t be a teacher to help you, and I want you to have the confidence to disengage.

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