33 // 52

33 // 52 // Lillia
33 // 52 // Zane

“A portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014.”

Lillia: This week you got your class assignment for the coming school year. You have Mrs. Ronning! You really didn’t care who your teacher was, but you were very concerned about who would be in your class. Thankfully, your best friend is in your class this year. You seem very relieved now, but on the way to see the class lists you said, “I have butterflies in my stomach, and newts, and the newts are devouring the butterflies.” You are a strange kid, but I love you! This year you have a locker, so when we went to buy school supplies you bought some things to put in it, like a wipe off board. I cannot believe my child is old enough to have a locker.

Zane: This week we’ve played outside a lot. The weather is so cool, it really feels more like fall than summer. You’ve been really enjoying riding your little push bike. You can’t go very fast yet, but you look so gosh darn adorable wearing your little helmet. I think you just need an inch or two more of height and it will be a lot easier for you to make your bike go! You’ve also grown very emotionally attached to our vegetables. You helped me pick a zucchini and some cucumbers to make lunch, but then you cried when I tried to prepare them! Poor little Zane! I never meant for our garden adventure to be so traumatizing!

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